The Truth about Steroid Shots and Their Danger to the Joints
Millions of Americans suffer from arthritis pain in the knee. This health condition is uncomfortable and often debilitating, especially over time. Steroid shots like corticosteroid injections have been used for many years to combat knee arthritis, but new research just uncovered exactly how ineffective steroid shots actually are. In fact, it turns out they do more harm than good! What […]
Thanks to PRP, Your Injury Doesn’t Have to Slow You Down
Whether you are a professional athlete or weekend warrior, the last thing you want to endure is an injury that forces you to the sidelines for any amount of time. This is especially true if your injury requires a surgery that places you into an even longer and painful recovery time, just to hope that you can still participate in […]
Yes, You Can Alleviate Your Arthritis Pain Permanently
When penicillin was first discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928 and then used to cure the first patient, an infant with an infection, in 1930, it completely transformed the medical industry. Less than 100 years later, scientists have achieved the 21st century equivalent of penicillin: stem cell therapy. Stem cells exist naturally in the body but have only recently been […]
Which Professional Athletes Have Utilized Regenerative Medicine?
Stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma treatments have been growing in popularity over the last decade, and famous athletes and celebrities can be given credit for helping to generate public awareness about these transformative procedures. Major names like Kobe Bryant, Alex Rodriguez, and Tiger Woods have all utilized regenerative medicine techniques to keep their bodies in top form and accelerate […]
The Neck Pain Treatment that Really Works
As the connection between your head and torso, your neck plays a critical role in the overall function of the upper body. If you are one of the many Americans coping with chronic neck pain, then you understand just how disruptive a neck injury can be to your daily life. Medicine has finally advanced enough to produce stem cell treatments […]