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20 November 2020
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Weather Patterns That Can Worsen Joint Pain

20 November 2020, Comments: Comments Off on Weather Patterns That Can Worsen Joint Pain

Have you noticed that your joints are stiff and hurt more when it rains? There are actually some very good reasons for this. Some types of weather can cause additional inflammation and swelling, as well as increased pain and other symptoms. Drops in temperature, especially when sudden Drops in temperature have been shown to significantly increase swelling and inflammation in […]

10 November 2020
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Why Old Injuries Cause Chronic Joint Pain and What To Do About It

10 November 2020, Comments: Comments Off on Why Old Injuries Cause Chronic Joint Pain and What To Do About It

Did you break a bone near the joint when you were hoarding around as a kid? Have you taken a blow to the knee while at work on a job site? Did you dislocate your shoulder in the past? Are you prone to weak ankles and frequent sprains?  If you answered yes to any of the above or other old […]

20 October 2020
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The Best Way to Get Rid of Chronic Joint Pain Without Surgery

20 October 2020, Comments: Comments Off on The Best Way to Get Rid of Chronic Joint Pain Without Surgery

You’ve tried everything — physical therapy, arthritis or anti-inflammatory medications, harmful and addictive pain medications, chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture. Chances are, if you have chronic joint pain, you have tried at least a few of these. And while they can often be effective means of strengthening your joints and reducing pain, they aren’t the end solution for everyone. If you feel […]

10 October 2020
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What Is Nonsurgical RegenaJoint, and How Can It Reduce Joint Pain?

10 October 2020, Comments: Comments Off on What Is Nonsurgical RegenaJoint, and How Can It Reduce Joint Pain?

Are you scared of surgery? If so, you’re not alone. Many people avoid surgeries at all costs because they are afraid of being “put under,” they don’t want a lengthy recovery, or they are afraid of increased pain. If you prefer to avoid unnecessary surgeries but you need new solutions to chronic joint pain, RegenaJoint can help. What causes chronic […]

20 August 2020
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How Many Stem Cell Treatments Are Required for Results?

20 August 2020, Comments: Comments Off on How Many Stem Cell Treatments Are Required for Results?

If you’ve been researching alternatives to joint replacement surgery, you’ve probably come across at least some information about stem cell therapies. Regenerative medicine is one of the newest alternative treatments that is available for treating joint conditions and injuries. During a stem cell treatment, the doctor will harvest stem cells from your own body and prepare them for injection into […]

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