How Long Does It Take for Stem Cell Therapy to Work?
Often, when people try stem cell therapy for chronic joint pain or joint problems, they are looking to the treatment as a miracle that will get them back on their feet. Unfortunately, stem cell therapy is not a cure all, and it isn’t a miracle that happens overnight. In fact, it can take some time for stem cell therapy to […]
The Basics of Stem Cell Therapy
As you may know, our medical practice incorporates the use of stem cell therapy to treat orthopedic concerns such as arthritis, shoulder injuries, joint injuries, and chronic joint pain. While there are other potential treatments for these conditions such as pain management, physical therapy, medications, and surgery, stem cell therapy can be of more benefit. In fact, stem cell therapy […]
Stem Cell Therapy Vs. Joint Replacement: What You Need to Know
If you have chronic joint problems, your doctor may have suggested joint replacement. Although most doctors try to avoid surgery when possible, often the most effective treatment for joint pain is to replace the joint. Now some doctors are using stem cell therapies to try to avoid surgery. Here’s what you need to know. Why Avoid Joint Replacement? Most doctors […]
The Effectiveness of Stem Cell Therapy for Joints
There are a number of conditions that can cause joint deterioration or joint pain, although the most common is arthritis. Regardless of what causes your joint pain and stiffness, stem cell therapy could be an alternative treatment. Here’s what you need to know about stem cell therapy for joints and how it is effective. What Is Stem Cell Therapy for […]
Symptoms and Treatment of a Torn Rotator Cuff
Do you have shoulder pain that only seems to get worse? Most of us have regular aches and pains throughout the day. Sometimes a pain will last for hours, sometimes for days or weeks. Many people ignore the pain and accept it as “part of getting older.” But when the pain you have increases in intensity or frequency or when […]