Treatment Options Archives - Regenerative Orthopedic Institute

3 November 2015
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Safety of Orthopedic Stem Cell Therapies

3 November 2015, Comments: Comments Off on Safety of Orthopedic Stem Cell Therapies

Looking for some information on the internet I stumbled into a page, put up by an organization called the International Society for Stem Cell Research, entitled: “Nine things to know about stem cell treatments.” The first statement on that list reads like an ominous warning: “Currently, very few stem cell treatments have been proven to be safe” and further down […]

10 September 2015
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How to Treat Mild Osteoarthritis (Part II)

10 September 2015, Comments: Comments Off on How to Treat Mild Osteoarthritis (Part II)

In part I of this blog we discussed different ways to treat mild osteoarthritis, including medications, physical therapy, physical activity, losing weight, and stress reduction. Today in Part II we will discuss several other ways that mild joint osteoarthritis can be treated: 1. Injections: Hyaluronic acid substitutes, also known as viscosupplements, are a better choice for intra-articular injections of osteoarthritic […]

9 September 2015
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How to Treat Mild Osteoarthritis (Part I)

9 September 2015, Comments: Comments Off on How to Treat Mild Osteoarthritis (Part I)

We examine all our prospective patients before deciding if they are good candidates for our stem cell procedures. Contrary to many other clinics, including many that offer minimally invasive surgeries, we do not believe in the “Send us your MRI and we’ll tell you if you are a candidate to our procedure” approach. MRI scan findings have poor correlation with […]

2 September 2015
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Is Your Medicine Causing Your Joint Pain?

2 September 2015, Comments: Comments Off on Is Your Medicine Causing Your Joint Pain?

It is well know that a class of medications widely used to treat high cholesterol, called Statins, frequently cause joint and muscle pain. Not only do they cause pain, but, also can damage the muscles and cause a muscle disease called myopathy. Statins are harmful to stem cells, therefore reducing your body’s ability to repair damaged tissues. Side effects are […]

6 July 2015
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I Have Knee Pain and A Torn Meniscus…Now What?

6 July 2015, Comments: Comments Off on I Have Knee Pain and A Torn Meniscus…Now What?

This is a frequent occurrence in any clinic treating patients with knee pain: A middle aged patient develops pain in a knee. Patient goes to an orthopedic surgeon who orders an MRI scan of that knee. MRI scan gets done and it shows a tear in a meniscus.  (The meniscus is a C-shaped piece of cartilage located inside the knee […]