Stem Cells Archives - Regenerative Orthopedic Institute

23 July 2015
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Back in Competition After Stem Cell Therapy

23 July 2015, Comments: Comments Off on Back in Competition After Stem Cell Therapy

Wanda O is a competitive triathlete who had to stop training due to knee pain. I’ll let her tell her own story: “ I’ve been a triathlete since 2008 and I’ve done over 23 triathlons including a half-ironman. For the last three years, my left knee has been giving me a lot of trouble and pain to the point of […]

6 July 2015
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I Have Knee Pain and A Torn Meniscus…Now What?

6 July 2015, Comments: Comments Off on I Have Knee Pain and A Torn Meniscus…Now What?

This is a frequent occurrence in any clinic treating patients with knee pain: A middle aged patient develops pain in a knee. Patient goes to an orthopedic surgeon who orders an MRI scan of that knee. MRI scan gets done and it shows a tear in a meniscus.  (The meniscus is a C-shaped piece of cartilage located inside the knee […]

27 September 2014
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How do Stem Cells Work?

27 September 2014, Comments: Comments Off on How do Stem Cells Work?

How Do Stem Cells Work In The Joints?  Stem Cell therapy is about the renewal of tissues. The treatment is based on the fact that stem cells differentiate to renew cells. The desired goal is to stimulate the production of new cells in a particular tissue to regenerate that tissue. For orthopedic applications the object is to target cells called […]

20 May 2013
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Stem Cells And Arthritis: New Evidence

20 May 2013, Comments: Comments Off on Stem Cells And Arthritis: New Evidence

Stem Cells for Arthritis: New Studies Showing its Effectiveness.  Stem cell treatments have been shown on animal models to be a potential new powerful and effective treatment for arthritis. Now, more and more studies are showing the same in humans. Two new studies were recently published showing good results when using stem cell injections to treat patients with arthritis of […]