arthritis Archives - Regenerative Orthopedic Institute

21 October 2015
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Helping an Aging Patient with Knee Osteoarthritis: A 2 Year Follow Up

21 October 2015, Comments: Comments Off on Helping an Aging Patient with Knee Osteoarthritis: A 2 Year Follow Up

Jacqueline M. is a pleasant lady who was 81 years old when she first came to see us in late 2013. She had constant, severe pain in her left knee that prevented her from doing most of her activities of daily living. She was unable to enjoy one of her favorite hobbies: gardening. She had physical therapy and injections of […]

15 April 2015
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How Safe Are Your Pain Medications?

15 April 2015, Comments: Comments Off on How Safe Are Your Pain Medications?

As the “baby boomer” generation enter its Medicare years the prevalence of arthritis and musculoskeletal pain is increasing at an accelerating pace. Some call this epidemic of chronic pain America’s biggest health problem. According to a 2011 report by the Institute of Medicine (part of the National Academy of Sciences) chronic pain will affect at some point 100 million Americans […]

12 April 2015
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Broccoli and Arthritis

12 April 2015, Comments: Comments Off on Broccoli and Arthritis

One of These a Day May Keep the Joint Surgeon Away Proper nutrition is part of the treatment program to battle osteoarthritis. Along with physical activity and nutritional supplements, proper eating may help keeping the joints healthy. Sulforaphane is a compound found in cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts and cabbage and particularly plentiful in broccoli. This compound has been found […]

20 May 2013
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Stem Cells And Arthritis: New Evidence

20 May 2013, Comments: Comments Off on Stem Cells And Arthritis: New Evidence

Stem Cells for Arthritis: New Studies Showing its Effectiveness.  Stem cell treatments have been shown on animal models to be a potential new powerful and effective treatment for arthritis. Now, more and more studies are showing the same in humans. Two new studies were recently published showing good results when using stem cell injections to treat patients with arthritis of […]