Wanda O is a competitive triathlete who had to stop training due to knee pain. I’ll let her tell her own story:
“ I’ve been a triathlete since 2008 and I’ve done over 23 triathlons including a half-ironman. For the last three years, my left knee has been giving me a lot of trouble and pain to the point of making it difficult to run. After a very unsuccessful arthroscopic surgery in 2013 pain continued and my hope to train and compete again was gone. Dr Grana of the Regenerative Orthopedic Institute in Tampa, FL successfully treated my left knee with stem cells in February and March of 2015. Currently, I am pain free and able to train and compete again. Recently, I did my first triathlon since 2013.
Thanks so much, Dr. Grana and staff, for such wonderful experience and professionalism on every aspect of the treatment.”
We are glad that Wanda decided to try stem cell therapy instead of going for a second knee surgery which was bound to have limited success in getting her back to her passion, triathlons. We wish you success, Wanda, and many happy years of training and competing in the future.
To learn more about treatment of musculoskeletal disorders and non-surgical alternatives to joint or spine surgeries go to: www.dontoperate.com .