Symptoms and Treatment of a Torn Rotator Cuff

20 March 2020
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20 March 2020, Comments: Comments Off on Symptoms and Treatment of a Torn Rotator Cuff

Do you have shoulder pain that only seems to get worse? Most of us have regular aches and pains throughout the day. Sometimes a pain will last for hours, sometimes for days or weeks. Many people ignore the pain and accept it as “part of getting older.” But when the pain you have increases in intensity or frequency or when the pain has lasted longer than a week or so, you should have your injury examined by a medical professional.

Of course, even if they have trouble healing, some shoulder injuries are minor. You don’t want to jump to the conclusion that you may have a serious injury like a torn rotator cuff. It is always best to be examined by a doctor, but here are some of the signs that you have a torn rotator cuff.

  • A dull deep ache in the shoulder that is not relieved with rest, over the counter pain relievers, ice, or other measures
  • Disturbed sleep because of pressure on the affected shoulder
  • Difficulty reaching behind your back, such as to brush your hair or get dressed
  • Possible arm weakness 

If you have any of these symptoms, you need to schedule an appointment right away. A torn rotator cuff can lead to surgery if it is not quickly and effectively treated. You need a fast diagnosis, so you can get treatment started as quickly as possible.

There are several treatments available for a torn rotator cuff. Doctors use a combination of physical therapy and specialized treatments. One of the treatments we offer is stem cell and PRP therapy to speed up the body’s natural healing process. In some cases, surgery is necessary. However, we always do our best to make surgery the last option.

If you have had shoulder pain or any of the symptoms listed, contact us today to schedule an appointment.