How Stem Cell Therapy Heals Rotator Cuff Injuries

20 April 2019
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20 April 2019, Comments: Comments Off on How Stem Cell Therapy Heals Rotator Cuff Injuries

Rotator cuff injuries are extremely painful, limit your mobility, and are difficult to treat. Many rotator cuff injuries result in surgical correction and several weeks of healing. However, new treatments are available for rotator cuff injuries. Stem cell therapy is an excellent solution to rotator cuff injuries, and it can be used with or without surgery.

Avoiding Surgery

Stem cell therapy can often help patients avoid surgery altogether. When stem cells are injected into the site of the injury along with injected platelets to direct them, the two work together to promote healing and growth of new tissues. Although stem cell therapy can take several weeks to heal a rotator cuff injury, the healing will occur without surgical measures in many cases.

With Surgery

In some cases, surgery to repair the rotator cuff may be deemed necessary. When surgery is necessary, stem cell therapy can help speed up the healing process. Stem cells and platelets are injected into the site of the injury after the surgery is complete. This can often decrease your healing time from the surgery by days or even weeks.

Should I Use Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cell therapy for rotator cuff injuries is completely natural, safe, and noninvasive. The stem cells and platelets that are injected into the site of the injury are extracted from your own body, so there is no risk of rejection or infection. The procedure can be done in one simple, if lengthy, office visit.

If you have been told you need surgery for your rotator cuff injury and want a second opinion, contact us today for an appointment. We will examine your injury and medical records to determine if stem cell therapy is a viable option for you.