Why You Should Never Ignore an Ankle Sprain

20 August 2022
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20 August 2022, Comments: Comments Off on Why You Should Never Ignore an Ankle Sprain

By definition, a sprain is the stretching or tearing of a ligament. Ligaments connect two bones together and are among the components that make up a joint. 

Ankle sprains are the most common type of sprain, and they most commonly result from twisting the ankle. You should never ignore an ankle sprain, as it can become a recurring problem without the proper treatment.

What Causes Ankle Sprains?

Some of the most common causes of ankle sprains include:

  • A lack of ankle support

Wearing shoes without ankle support, such as high-heels, is a common reason for sprained ankles. If you experience ankle sprains while exercising or playing sports, re-evaluate your footwear for proper ankle support. 

  • Wearing the wrong shoe size

Wearing the wrong shoe size also results in a lack of stability and ankle support. Growing children and teenagers are a common age group that may experience ankle sprains due to incorrect shoe sizes. 

  • Not stretching before exercising

Stretching and warming up the ankle joint before exercise can significantly reduce the chances of spraining your ankle. This is because stretching alleviates tension in the ligaments, allowing for better foot mobility. 

How Are Ankle Sprains Treated?

Mild ankle sprains can be treated from home, and you can expect to be pain-free after seven to ten days. Some of the techniques used to treat ankle sprains include:

  • Icing the ankle to prevent swelling
  • Elevating the ankle whenever you’re resting 
  • Splinting the ankle joint with a bandage
  • Avoiding sports and exercise until the inflammation has subsided

In cases of severe, lingering joint pain after an ankle sprain, you may need to seek professional help. At the Regenerative Orthopedic Institute, we specialize in stem cell therapy to boost the body’s natural healing response. Contact us for a consultation