26 January 2025
Comments: Comments Off on Understanding Patellar Tendinitis
Category: Blog
26 January 2025, Comments: Comments Off on Understanding Patellar Tendinitis

Whenever you stand up, climb stairs, run, or jump, you’re placing significant stress on your knee joints. In most cases, your knees can handle the impact. But, if it becomes repetitive or intense, you may develop overuse injuries like patellar tendinitis. 

Keep reading to learn about patellar tendinitis and your treatment options for persistent knee pain

What is Patellar Tendinitis?

Patellar tendinitis or “jumper’s knee”, as it’s sometimes called, occurs when the patella becomes inflamed. The patella is the tendon that links the kneecap to the shinbone, and it’s used heavily when you jump, squat, or run. People who carry out these motions repeatedly (like athletes) are more prone to patellar tendinitis. 


Symptoms of patellar tendinitis can include: 

  • Pain, soreness, and swelling at the front of the knee
  • Pain that gets worse when you run, walk, jump, or claim or descend stairs
  • Pain when you bend and straighten your leg
  • A weak feeling in the knee
  • Tenderness at the front of the knee


The most common cause of patellar tendinitis is overusing the knee joint. This can result from various activities, like intense running, jumping on hard surfaces, and bicycling. Other factors can increase your risk of developing this condition, including:

  • Having tight quad muscles
  • Lacking flexibility 
  • Exercising with poor form
  • Suddenly increasing the intensity of your workouts


Patellar tendinitis can usually be treated with a combination of conservative remedies, including:

  • Resting and taking time off from activities that exacerbate your symptoms
  • Elevating and icing your knee
  • Physical therapy to correct imbalances, build muscle strength, and improve your range of motion. 

Regenerative therapies, like stem cell therapy and our revolutionary RegenaJointTM treatment, are non-surgical innovations that can help you overcome chronic knee pain from patellar tendinitis. By harnessing the body’s own healing capabilities to stimulate tissue repair, regenerative medicine can help resolve pain and stiffness without the need for surgery. 

If you’re struggling with persistent knee pain, schedule a free consultation at the Regenerative Orthopedic Institute today!