The Science Behind Stem Cell Therapy for Orthopedic Issues

20 November 2024
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20 November 2024, Comments: Comments Off on The Science Behind Stem Cell Therapy for Orthopedic Issues

Stem cell therapy has risen to prominence over the last several years as a regenerative alternative to surgery for various pain conditions, including orthopedic issues. With the ability to regenerate into virtually any specialized cell, stem cells stimulate and bolster your body’s recovery process, providing remarkable results for pain and lost mobility. 

Keep reading to learn more about the science behind stem cell therapy for orthopedic issues. 

Stem Cell Therapy in Orthopedics

Stem cells can differentiate and reproduce into specialized cells that form muscle, bone, and cartilage, among other types of tissue. This makes them an invaluable tool in treating orthopedic conditions, which affect the musculoskeletal system. 

Unfortunately, as we get older, our specialized cells become less adept at replicating and regenerating tissue, particularly in individuals with orthopedic conditions, like arthritis. In stem cell therapy, stem cells from the patient’s pelvis or abdomen are injected into the areas with damaged tissue, jump-starting the tissue repair process. 

Initially, researchers thought that stem cells used in stem cell therapy would multiply and regenerate damaged tissue on their own. Over time, research has shown that stem cells actually act as “signaling cells”. This means that they encourage existing stem cells in the body to regenerate, leading to new tissue formation. 

How Do Stem Cells Compare to Surgery for Orthopedic Conditions?

It’s important to note that pain relief from stem cell therapy isn’t immediate. The repair process can take up to three months, with a gradual improvement in pain and function. However, compared to conventional orthopedic surgery, stem cell therapy is far less invasive and doesn’t disrupt or damage the surrounding tissue. This provides a far lower risk of complications, including the risks associated with anesthesia, especially when the patient’s own stem cells are used.

Ready to learn more about stem cell therapy for your orthopedic condition? Schedule your free consultation today!